Thursday, June 18, 2009

ayah .. wiraku

ayah .. wiraku, a phrase clearly said and mean; every 3rd sunday in the month of june is the father's day and hani is taking the opportunity to wish all fathers especially my father, cekgu lloh in pasir mas and my hubby, z @ hasan a "happy father's day dan didoakan agar senantiasa dalam lindunganNya" ..

ramai yang kata, hani is ayoh punya photostat, baik dari segi rupa, kulit dan perangai .. now, ayoh, a 78 cekgu pencen, spending most of his time kat masjid untuk solat, kelas tajwid and ngaji. lepas balik dari solat subuh, he'll be on the sofa depan tv untuk siaran berita and majlis ilmu, muqoddimah while having his teh tarek and roti bakar with mum, cek and cucu-cucu, sarah and aisyah. then, he'll drive to get his daily papers and nasi berlauk. he'll be spending most of his time in his library, kat bilik bawah since he loves reading especially buku2 agama and kitab2, till now he reads without pakai spec pun ..

last january, bila ayoh kena heart attack, kami anak2 had begged ayoh to give up all his posts and charity work; thus now ayoh will only drive to masjid and beli papers besides meeting his old friends. cekgu lloh was the chairman for few organizations and all this while, it had been a routine, at least 3 times a year he'll indirectly be visiting us in k'lumpur for annual meetings - koperasi angkasa, bank rakyat and persidangan umno; ayoh had given up politicking few years ago semasa politik tengah kecoh dan tak menentu

cek is one lucky lady cos she'd been 50 years married to cekgu lloh, tho tak berapa handsome, dark and medium built, he looks garang but terlalu baik hati, quiet and talk only when necessary; hence cek tak pernah ada lawan untuk dia perlu meninggi suara. ayoh nii seorang yang tegas dan berdisiplin, especially bila bab-bab solat and sekolah anak-anak. hani was brought up in a situation where ayoh will give all his monthly pay for cek to manage; till now, his ATM card untuk pencen pun cek yang pegang .. ayoh had given up smoking 15 years ago but recently, upon doing the x-ray, the black tar and nicotine is still very vivid ..

ayoh is a very determined guy, masa hani kecik dulu, used to see ayoh rented another house semata2 untuk study for his sijil rendah pelajaran and sijil pelajaran malaysia; those days, dapat jadi cekgu only ngan sijil darjah 6. ayoh had promised untuk menaikkan taraf hidup keluarga since he came from a poor family, the father passed away when he was 6 years old and being brought up by a single mum who then followed the new husband to stay in golok. ayoh was then adopted by arwah cekgu nik paa and family whom we really devote and appreciate ..

dari dulu sampai sekarang, cekgu lloh will always listen to anak-anak and menantu punya problems since he is a very good listener and he'll give advise accordingly; still a very wise guy, very pious and menjadi tempat rujukan orang kampung. he'd never forced us to follow his decision, tho deep inside him hani tahu that he wanted all his daughters to be like him, jadi cekgu. ayoh will always remind us to be the best in anything kita buat ..

currently, ayoh is relying on medicine for his hypertension and heart problem altho he really jaga his diet and rajin buat exercise. jasa2 mu tak dapat kami balas dan doa diiringi agar ayoh senantiasa dilindungi dan dirahmati. sampai bila2 pun, jati diri yang telah diterapkan kepada anak2 menjadikan cekgu lloh, ayah .. wiraku

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