Sunday, April 19, 2009

the weekend

aliff reached home after solat jumaat, as predicted my bro, g arrived fifteen minutes later; dia dua orang nii dari dulu till now are very close and will spend time kat play station. aamal had fetched aqeel from the hostel and as usual, aqeel with his black plastic bag full of kain untuk dicuci, sampai rumah before hubby balik. actually aqeel was in taiping for a week for inter school rugby competition .. pondok bising ngan gelak ketawa anak2 ku

we'd planned to have steamboat for dinner but upon booking, discovered it's closed; thus hani agreed to cook dinner. a simple dish of black pepper chicken, masak lemak udang ngan kobis, ikan goreng, sambal belacan and ulam was served and it's great, throughout dinner penuh ngan usik mengusik, macam dah lama tak makan sama2 ..

as agreed, we'll be hosting a small and simple majlis tahlil untuk arwah abah at eleven pagi nii, my newly married cousin, ustaz marzuki, ismazarni's hubby, lead the tahlil and bacaan yassin. actually adik beradik my hubby had been organizing the majlis tahlil every year since abah left and guess, tiap2 tahun kat rumah anak lelaki dia, hasan ..

nasi, pulut kuning (silver jubilee), kari ayam, rendang daging, ikan goreng, sambal belacan, ulam2an, buah tembikai, air laici and teh o is catered from kak mariah, kepong. hani had ordered kuih tauhu ros from kak faizah and wati had brought along kuih serimuka. we did not invite many guests, kak ani abang faizal and kak tengku abang khalid are the only neighbours yang dijemput besides my cousins, ismadiha and ismazarni. mak came with kak long and abang long, kak ani abang zul anak beranak, kak iza abang tom and anak2 as well as eddie and family. busu mail, in his new spectra hitam, came alone since zarina is working. wati sudirman and the boys as well as ella were around. my bro nd and family were also there; it's totally a family affair and alhamdulillah, it turned out to be great and fun

since this is the first time hani jumpa ngan menantu ayoh long, ustaz marzuki, we'd handed him a belated wedding gift. it's good to have an ustaz in the family sice it's very easy and convenient to minta tolong; aamal had requested ustaz to buat air untuk her new swift. when the last guest left home around 3 pm, aamal and hani left to rumah kak melini to hantar sikit pulut kuning and rendang daging

at 9 pm, all of us dok depan tv and enjoying the weekly af consert

hubby and hani had breakfast of mee rebus kat kedai kak kam and tapau lasi lemak sotong and ayam for the kids. as usual, aliff and aqeel will bring along banyak kain untuk dicuci, lipat and ironed; by the time nak siapkan all the laundry work tuu, dear hubby had cooked fried meehoon for lunch and hani dapat laa tengok melodi and nona .. after solat asar, we left to send aqeel back to the hostel; he'd been complaining of a very short weekend and belum puas dok kat rumah lagi

aliff left to melaka only early this morning, all seem to miss home ..

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