Sunday, March 14, 2010

low bp

it'd been more than a week .. feel like sailing in a turbulent deep sea, pening dan kepala pusing; bila buka mata je, siling akan berputar dan hani rasa nak muntah, craved for mum's fruit cake, secret recipe's marble cheese cake and black pepper steak ... hubby been complaining he's having high bp ..

had gone to see dr jamil, the family doctor and upon testing, the bp reading is on the lower side 96/60 compared to hani's normal at 120/80 ... had experienced this feeling during the 3 pregnancies and really prayed hard for a negative urine test; cannot imagine bila aamal bersanding nanti dan hani ngan perut besar ...

dr jamil prescribed 'tanakan' and iron pills for 2 weeks and had advised on complete rest and the diet; makan hati, limpa, sea food, bayam, the green leafy vege and lots of fruits ... back home, all the kids are away and hani hardly cooked and will wait for hubby to be back from office for dinner or heavy tea; hani will normally go jogging with few friends and have breakfast, lunch will be salad or any of the frozen food in the fridge (stock for the kids) and then only makan ngan hubby ..

had texted friends that hani will be off from jogging for a week ... luckily, hani's handsome, aliff is around and many friends had dropped by .. kak asiah had specially cooked hati black pepper and steamed fruit cake ...

senantiasa bersyukur di atas rahmat dan anugerah MU ... alhamdulillah!!!


  1. hahahah ... at first tuu risau kot jadi like my mom ... ayu is 22 years my junior; alhamdulillah, it's -ve ...
