Friday, October 24, 2008


cek, my mum, my idola, a 64 kampung beau and a smart lady is in p'mas at the moment. altho belajar sekerat jalan, she managed to didik all the 7 of us to university and bila posed the question to her, ngapa cek tak abis belajar, her answer is simple - cikgu gatal and asyik nak ngorat dia ..

since day 1 of working, every morning will call her, cam punch card gitu, kalau tak hari tuu macam ada je yg tak kena. she'll wait kat telephone sampai laa hani call. now, after 26 years it's still like that and bila kita dah pencen pun, pagi2 she'll still be at the phone. bila phone kat rumah rosak, hp aya and ayu will be the medium then ..

main topic of the day will be apa nak dimasak and we'll normally share new recipes. she's a good cook and cucu2 memang prefer her cooking rather than mak masing2. hani will be receiving updated reports of adik2 and anak2 sedara and tuu laa, altho' kita kat kl kita lebih mengetahui some of the events compared ngan adinda2 yg kat kampung.

being blessed to have cek who will always listen to my kerenah and voices, tak kira kisah rumah tangga or gosip artis. she'll be lending her ears bila hani merajuk ngan hubby or bila dinda2 in k'lumpur buat onar. when aliff, aamal and aqeel tak nak dengar cakap mama or bila hubby asyik ke padang golf, cek will always be there for me ..

according to hubby, cek boleh buka consultation center cos ramai mak2 dara especially yang tak ada sedara mara kat kampung, will always datang bercerita and minta advice. being seorang yang amanah, the secrets will be safe with her. rumah kami kat kampung akan sentiasa dikunjungi oleh orang2 yang memerlukan cos cek seorang yang rajin memberi. those days masa arwah nenek masih ada, kami akan balik buat korban di kg to***an and bila kami balik ke p'mas, many people had awaited outside our gate ..

in may 2005, cekgu loh, ayoh telah diserang stroke yang agak serious but with his strong willpower and cek punya sokongan, ayoh is back to his normal self, still driving and jadi pengerusi kat dua tiga tempat. everyday, 2 x sehari cek akan rebus daun serai wangi, daun pandan, daun stroke and macam2 lagi untuk mandikan ayoh. at the moment cek is taking care of my atuk, who is almost 100 years old and alhamdulillah, tiada sekumit sungutan yang pernah keluar dari mulut cek ..

doa diiringkan agar cek sentiasa sihat sejahtera dan dijauhi dari sebarang penyakit. cek nii jenis yang rajin makan jamu and akar kayu not like us the daughters. will always tell anak2, mama will be happy and proud if only i'm given 10% of cek punya quality. look forward for cuti sekolah cos cek and ayoh janji nak rehat kat pondok kita ..

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